The symptoms of prostatitis in men. Treatment, and prevention.

Prostatitis in men has different symptoms, all depends on the shape of the course of the disease. The inflammatory process in the tissue of the prostate occurs for various reasons. All the blame can be viruses, bacteria and even chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and pyelonephritis.

prostatitis in men

Some forms of the disease occur rarely, others are diagnosed more frequently. There is the so-called total symptoms, but to understand the classification is not so simple.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs for various reasons. The inflammatory process that affects the tissue of the prostate gland, characterized by an annoying symptoms and can be the result of tuberculosis, alcoholism, or obesity.

The types of prostatitis known doctors:

  1. Acute bacterial – this type of disease is very rare and is characterized acute and strong symptoms. Requires an in-patient treatment, under the supervision of a specialist, can cause sepsis or septic shock.
  2. Chronic bacterial is a disease that is often flowing without marked symptoms, but in some cases there are some signs of the acute type of prostatitis.
  3. Chronic (non-bacterial) — develops on the background of infectious diseases or occurs as a consequence of inflammatory processes that occur in the body for a long period of time. All the factors that have led to the development of an inflammatory process, doctors to install and failed.
  4. Asymptomatic (asymptomatic) — may appear as the side of disease, developed rapidly, but the specific symptomatology has not. Signs of an inflammatory process are slight. In some cases, the disease does not require treatment and passes only after having eliminated the basic causes.
  5. Chronic granulomatous – arises in the background of the replacement of the tissues of the prostate growths of fibrous tissue with granules inside. With this in granules, which can be foci of necrosis. The disease develops as a complication after undergoing surgery on the pelvic organs, or as a result of an infectious process, that flows in the tissues.

Classification in the detail

Forms of prostatitis may have and a slightly different classification, depending on the type of pathogen, which has led to the development of inflammation:

The bacterial type of the disease. Pathogens are E. coli, and pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, and staphylococci. Bacteria enter the prostate tissue with the lymph, and the current of the blood.

the diagnosis of prostatitis
  1. Gonococcal disease. Agents — Gonorrhea. The infection occurs when sexual contact is not secure.
  2. The viral type of the disease. It appears from the herpes simplex Virus, cytomegalovirus, and human papilloma virus. The main danger of the disease consists in the fact that the cells of the virus actively proliferate and can affect the cells of nearby organs.
  3. Tubercular type the disease. Agents — bacillus of Koch. This type of infection is dangerous because it is difficult to treat, arises as a concomitant active disease during the main – tuberculosis.
  4. The mold type of disease. The causative agent are the fungi of the genus Candida. Develops on the background of the intake of antibiotics or after unprotected sexual intercourse contact with a woman, whose thrush.
  5. Mixed type of the disease. It appears as a consequence of infection at least two of the foregoing diseases. It is extremely rare.

A woman can infect the man by a variety of bacteria. The infection occurs in a period of not protected PA. In addition, the pregnancy of the partner increases the risk of infection in this period, the woman in the background of a weakened immune system often develops thrush, and she, in turn, is the cause of fungal development prostatitis.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in men

The first sign of prostatitis is the pain that occurs during urination, and wears a growing character, increases compression of the ureter.

The main signs of prostatitis:

  • problems in the intimate sphere;
  • secretion in the urethra (in rare cases, it all depends on the type of disease);
  • pain during urination;
  • frequent stimulus;
  • the increase of the temperature of the body, the signs of intoxication.

The symptoms of prostatitis in men wearing a growing character. Gradually increases the swelling of the prostate tissue. Increases in volume, gradually increases the pain and the symptoms become more intense.

Signs of acute and chronic prostatitis

Then, how is it manifested prostatitis, the acute form of the current, the description of the symptoms:

  1. Increase of body temperature up to 38 degrees and beyond.
  2. The appearance of secretions from the urethra.
  3. Increased pain in the groin area.
  4. Frequent and painful need to urinate.
  5. Erection problems.

Often the symptoms occur spontaneously, it expands and may be accompanied by worsening of the general condition of the patient: decreased appetite, general weakness, malaise and apathy.

the symptoms

What are the characteristic signs of chronic disease:

  • the discomfort in case of erection;
  • recurring pain in the groin area, abdomen, eggs, or even the perineum;
  • the difficulties encountered during urination.

In the chronic form of the current signs of prostatitis in men are mild, occur periodically. Concerned about a man occasionally. But in adverse conditions, symptoms, enriched, experience problems with erection and urination.

The causes of prostate disease

The causes of prostatitis in men are many, the inflammatory process in the tissue is developed on the background:

  • non-observance of rules of personal hygiene;
  • sexual contact with a woman with a disease of an infectious nature;
  • systematic hypothermia;
  • of pyelonephritis or chronic tuberculosis.

The causes of the disease is often associated with the presence in the body of a person of the infectious agent. Chronic is an inflammatory process in the absence of adequate therapy develops gradually and affects the nearby tissues.

The cause of prostatitis young people can become a source of stress, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, long abstinence, promiscuity, heavy physical activities, etc.

Despite the fact that the causes of prostatitis lead a different character, according to urologists, there is a risk group, it includes people:

  1. In the third age.
  2. With low immunity.
  3. With sedentary lifestyles.
  4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.

The chronic diseases, the systematic use of alcohol, promiscuous sexual relations – all of this can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. But if regularly to pass the exams, attending urologist and take the exams, then you can deal with this disease ever.

The diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of prostatitis is carried out in several phases, which includes:

  • history (the description of the symptoms, disturbing the patient);
  • performance ULTRASOUND, pelvic (prostate, kidneys and ureters);
  • the analysis of the urine (in the common, clinical, for Nechiporenko, a daily portion, and bacterial seeding);
  • urethral swab on the microflora;
  • inspection;
  • an examination of the blood for ELISA;
  • urography (performed, if necessary, due to the toxicity of the method and of the presence of contraindications).

The main method of diagnosis is in the possession of a global research to identify and resolve the fundamental causes of the disease.

Methods of treatment of prostatitis


The treatment of prostatitis in men begins with the relief of inflammation and reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms. It can be done in phases, and include:

  • the intake of antibiotics;
  • in the possession of physiotherapy;
  • diuretics, vitamins and immunomodulators.

How to cure prostatitis in men, and, above all, what should I say to the doctor. Because it all depends on the cause of inflammation and the severity of the symptoms.

Tablets from prostatitis can be divided into several groups:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • vitamins and stimulating the immune system.

Antibiotics are prescribed in every case, but to prescribe to the patient of such drugs, the physician must be sure of the diagnosis.

Drugs take a course of 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the duration of therapy increases. But if the antibiotics have not had the due effect on the body of the patient, the therapy is subject to correction.

Prostate massage – a method of enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment. Prescribed in stagnation in the prostate gland and use it as a complement to the basic therapy.

The most effective massage in the period of acute illness. Helps to free the prostate from accumulated in her a secret, and then remove it through the urethra pathogenic microorganisms. This helps to reinforce the action of antibiotics and reduce the duration of the treatment.

What are the physiotherapy treatments can assign:

  • laser treatment;
  • the heating;
  • ultrasound fonoforesi;
  • diadynamophoresis.

How dangerous is it prostatitis, if not treated

It is dangerous if prostatitis for men's health and that the main danger of the disease? The fact is that the inflammation develops quickly, it "catches" the tissue of the prostate and if the disease is not treated, it can cause:

  1. chronic infertility;
  2. fibrotic changes in the tissues;
  3. impotence (with a probability of 45%);
  4. chronic diseases of the kidneys and other nearby organs.

How dangerous is prostatitis when it is correctly selected therapy:

  • In the absence of treatment, the inflammatory process can go in the chronic form.
  • Lead to the development of an adenoma of the prostate.
  • Erection problems.

In the background of a long stream of inflammation will be the cause of the intoxication, the signs of which only worsen the health of the patient and complicate the clinical course of the disease.

prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis in the home

Prevention of prostatitis is reduced to simple rules:

  • the respect for the personal hygiene;
  • the use of antiseptics after the unprotected PA.;
  • simplify your sex life;
  • the correction of the diet (it is worth to include in the diet of meat, is rich in protein).

And also prevention of prostatitis in men can include the intake of some medication medications:

  1. vitamins and minerals;
  2. Immunostimulants;
  3. diuretics herbal.

Preventive methods to help prevent the development of an inflammatory process, but we must not lower our guard.

In order not to clash with prostatitis it is worth to treat colds and viral diseases.

The inflammation of the prostate is a dangerous disease that can cause serious complications. Therefore, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms is worth as soon as possible contact a urologist, this will allow you to avoid serious complications: impotence, infertility.